For sure I want to see the measuring values from by automatic plant irrigation. But it is a bit annoying to use my database tools all the time. That’s the reason for me to make a small visualisation. I want to see the actual values as text and two trends. One showing the last 24h and the other showing the last week.
I have already my webserver so the drug of choice for me is making a website. But that’s not the only reason. It is becoming state of the art to make front-ends with web technologies. The advantages are obvious, simple deployment, platform independent (especially mobile devices). Furthermore web technologies have gained power over the last years (e.g. web socket, HTML5, SVG). Also rendering performance improved enough to render trends fluidly.
I always develop and test queries separately in Workbench IDE. For a better readability in my trends I compress the data a bit. The 24h data shows the average per hour. The data for the last week shows the average per quarter day. The value for soil moisture is scaled 1024 = 100%.
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# Actual Values SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`dt`, '%H:%i') as `dtshort`,`temp`,`humidity`,`soil` FROM `tbllogging` ORDER BY dt desc LIMIT 1; # last 24h (average per hour) SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`dt`, '%H:%i') `dtshort`, AVG(`temp`) `temp`, AVG(`humidity`) `humidity`, (AVG(`soil`)/1024)*100 `soil` FROM `tbllogging` WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,`dt`, NOW()) <= 24 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(`dt`, '%Y-%m-%d %H') ORDER BY dt asc; # last week (average per quarter day) SELECT DATE_FORMAT(MIN(`dt`), '%a %H:00') as `dtshort`, AVG(`temp`) `temp`, AVG(`humidity`) `humidity`, (AVG(`soil`)/1024)*100 `soil` FROM `tbllogging` WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,`dt`, NOW()) <= 168 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(`dt`, '%Y-%m-%d'),FLOOR(EXTRACT(HOUR FROM `dt`)/6) ORDER BY dt asc;s |
Usually I would put the queries in stored procedures and use them as they offer some advantages but unfortunately the mysqli does not support stored procedures returning multiple row sets. Therefore you find the queries hard-coded in the PHP script.
For displaying the trend data I use a 3rd party charting library. I use Chart.js in this case. It is for sure not the most powerful library but it is slim, fast, free and open source (MIT license).
That’s the code for the website
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<!doctype html> <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); // MariaDB Server $servername = "serverip"; $username = "dbuser"; $password = "dbpassword"; $dbname = "templogg"; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } // actual $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`dt`, '%H:%i') as `dtshort`,`temp`,`humidity`,`soil` FROM `tbllogging` ORDER BY dt desc LIMIT 1;"; $actual = $conn->query($sql); if ($actual->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while($row = $actual->fetch_assoc()) { $actdt = $row["dtshort"]; $acttemp = number_format($row["temp"],0); $acthum = number_format($row["humidity"],0); $actsoil = number_format($row["soil"],0); } } else { echo "0 results"; } // last 24h $sqlday = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`dt`, '%H:%i') `dtshort`, AVG(`temp`) `temp`, AVG(`humidity`) `humidity`, (AVG(`soil`)/1024)*100 `soil` FROM `tbllogging` WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,`dt`, NOW()) <= 24 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(`dt`, '%Y-%m-%d %H') ORDER BY dt asc;"; $daydt=""; $daytemp=""; $dayhum=""; $daysoil=""; $dayresult = $conn->query($sqlday); if($dayresult->num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($dayresult, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $daydt.='"'.$row["dtshort"].'",'; $daytemp.=$row["temp"].","; $dayhum.=$row["humidity"].","; $daysoil.=$row["soil"].","; } } else { echo "0 results"; } // last week $sqlweek = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(MIN(`dt`), '%a %H:00') as `dtshort`, AVG(`temp`) `temp`, AVG(`humidity`) `humidity`, (AVG(`soil`)/1024)*100 `soil` FROM `tbllogging` WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,`dt`, NOW()) <= 168 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(`dt`, '%Y-%m-%d'),FLOOR(EXTRACT(HOUR FROM `dt`)/6) ORDER BY dt asc;"; $weekdt=""; $weektemp=""; $weekhum=""; $weeksoil=""; $weekresult = $conn->query($sqlweek); if($weekresult->num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($weekresult, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $weekdt.='"'.$row["dtshort"].'",'; $weektemp.=$row["temp"].","; $weekhum.=$row["humidity"].","; $weeksoil.=$row["soil"].","; } } else { echo "0 results"; } // Verbidnung schließen $conn->close(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Temp+Humidity Logger v1</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name = "viewport" content ="width = 600"> <style type="text/css"> h1 {color:black;font-size: 350%;margin:0;} h2 {color:black;font-size: 150%;maring:0;} h3 {color:black;font-size: 80%;margin:0;} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="Chart.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <center> <table border=0 width=600> <?php echo '<tr><th width=100><h2>' .$actdt.' </h2></th><th><h1>' . $acttemp. ' °C</h1></th><th width=120><h2>Luft: ' . $acthum. "%<br>Soil: ".$actsoil."</h2></th></tr>"; ?> </table> <hr> <span class="h3">last 24h</span><br> <canvas id="DayChart" width="580" height="300"></canvas><br> <hr> <span class="h3">last week</span><br> <canvas id="WeekChart" width="580" height="300"></canvas><br> <table border=0 width=600> <tr><th style="background-color:rgba(150,150,255,0.6)">Luftfeuchte</th></tr> <tr><th style="background-color:rgba(0,0,130,0.6)">Temperatur</th></tr> <tr><th style="background-color:rgba(172,194,132,0.6)">Boden</th></tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> // Global Chart definition;; true;;;; // Day Chart var DayChartData = { labels : [<?php echo $daydt; ?>], datasets : [ { label: "Humidity", fillColor : "rgba(150,150,255,0.4)", strokeColor : "#9999FF", pointDot : false, bezierCurve : false, data : [<?php echo $dayhum; ?>] }, { label: "Soil", fillColor : "rgba(172,194,132,0.4)", strokeColor : "#ACC26D", pointDot : false, bezierCurve : false, data : [<?php echo $daysoil; ?>] }, { label: "Temp", fillColor : "rgba(0,0,130,0.4)", strokeColor : "#0000AA", pointDot : false, bezierCurve : false, data : [<?php echo $daytemp; ?>] } ] } var day = document.getElementById("DayChart").getContext("2d"); new Chart(day).Line(DayChartData); // Week Chart var DayChartData = { labels : [<?php echo $weekdt; ?>], datasets : [ { label: "Humidity", fillColor : "rgba(150,150,255,0.4)", strokeColor : "#9999FF", pointDot : false, bezierCurve : false, data : [<?php echo $weekhum; ?>] }, { label: "Soil", fillColor : "rgba(172,194,132,0.4)", strokeColor : "#ACC26D", pointDot : false, bezierCurve : false, data : [<?php echo $weeksoil; ?>] }, { label: "Temp", fillColor : "rgba(0,0,130,0.4)", strokeColor : "#0000AA", pointDot : false, bezierCurve : false, data : [<?php echo $weektemp; ?>] } ] } var week = document.getElementById("WeekChart").getContext("2d"); var weekchart = new Chart(week).Line(DayChartData); </script> </center> </body> </html> |
The result is a nice website that also works great on mobile devices.